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Encino Little League

Encino Little League

News Detail


Mar, 2023

Parking & Photo Day Info


PLEASE be respectful when parking in the ELL Complex. DO NOT park in the Reserved Spots. Families have sponsored these spots and donated a lot of money to have access to these spots throughout the season. If families do not have access to their Reserved Spots, ELL will lose this important source of revenue. 

Also, NO PARKING in undesignated areas, this is a fire and safety hazard.  Please do not make your own parking spots. 

We reserve the right to tow any cars that are parked improperly.


Thank you for understanding the need to cancel the majority of picture day yesterday. We understand the frustration that it caused some people, but know that the decision was not taken lightly and we tried very hard to make the entire day work.

The rescheduled Picture Day will be this Sunday March 26 from 1:30pm-6:00pm on Colt Right Field.  Your coaches will provide you with you team’s picture time. 

Makeup Day on Friday March 24 is postponed. The new Makeup Day is Friday March 31 from 4:30pm-5:30pm on Colt. This will be for anyone whose team took pictures on the 19th and they were unable to attend or if you are not able to attend during your rescheduled time on March 26th.   You do not need to sign up for Makeup Day, pictures will be first come first serve. 

AA and Rookie Division practices will still take place but will be moved to other parts of that field.


With a lot more rain forecasted for the next couple of days, please follow ELL on social media and listen to your coaches for the most up to date information on game and field status. 



ELL Executive Board


Encino Little League
P.O. BOX 260772 
Encino, California 91426

Phone: 818-995-6227
Email: [email protected]

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